Whirlpool BA 33 FNF (UK) Mode d'emploi

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Instructions for installation and use
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Résumé du contenu

Page 1 - Fridge-freezer

Instructions for installation and useBA 33 FNFFridge-freezercombined

Page 2 - Combined

8GBFruits and VegetablesFood PreparationBlanchingTimeWrappingStorage(months)Thawing TimeApples and Pears Peel and cut into slices. 2’In Containers (co

Page 3 - Installation

9GBTips on Saving Energy- Install it wellAnd therefore far from heat sources, from direct sunlight, ina well aired place and according to the distance

Page 4

10GBKeeping Your Appliance in ShapeBefore performing any cleaning operation, unplug theappliance from the mains electricity supply (set knob“F” to pos

Page 5 - Close-up view

11GBIs There a Problem?Green LED does not light upHave you checked whether:• The main switch for the electricity to the apartment orhome has been turn

Page 6

Reversing the door opening312

Page 8 - Ice trays

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Page 9 - Meat and Fish

Fridge-freezer CombinedInstructions for installation and useGBTo maintain the EFFICIENCY and SAFETY of this appliance, we recommend:- use only the MA

Page 10 - Fruits and Vegetables

1GBmouth because they could stick to your mouth and cause burns.7. Do not carry out any cleaning or maintenance operationswithout first having disconn

Page 11 - Tips on Saving Energy

2GBElectrical connectionYour appliance is now supplied with a 13 amp fused plug thatcan be plugged into a 13 amp socket for immediate use. Beforeusing

Page 12 - Cleaning and maintenance

3GBClose-up viewA Temperature regulator knob for the fridgecompartmentThis knob allows you to adjust the fridge temperatu-re to different positions;

Page 13 - Warning lights are weak

4GBH Removable lidded shelf, with egg tray andbutter dishI Removable miscellaneous shelfJ Removable door shelf for bottlesK Ice trayL Compartment for

Page 14 - Reversing the door opening

5GBHow to Start the ApplianceNOTICE: After the appliance has been delivered, standit in the upright position and wait approximately 3hours before conn

Page 15

6GBFor the preparation of food to be frozen, please con-sult a specialized manual.Food that has be thawed, even partially, must not be re-frozen: you

Page 16

7GBGuide to Using the FreezerMeat and FishFood WrappingTenderising(days)Storage(months)Thawing TimeBeef Roast Tinfoil 2 / 3 9 / 10 Not required.Lamb T

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